Cancellation, Return, and Refund Policy

Cancellation Details:
  • We strive to provide you with the highest quality products and services. Our procedures ensure the elimination of any kind of cancellation request from your end.
  • We do not entertain any cancellation requests, so please keep this in mind before placing your orders.
Return Details:
  • We strive to provide you with the highest quality products and services. Our procedures ensure the elimination of any kind of return request from your end.
  • If, due to any circumstances, it comes to the return of your order, then please note that we deal in packed food products; therefore, we follow a “NO RETURN” policy. 
  • The only reason after this decision is to safeguard the interests of the company. 
  • Although, if push comes to shove we will consider your request, i.e., if the products have come damaged then we will take your return request into consideration. But for the same, we need the video proof so it is advised to film video upon unboxing your order. It is not applicable on the “Achaar” category. 
  • In case of acceptance of return, the purchaser will bear the charges of the products returned.
Refund Details:
  • Due to strict no return and no cancellation policy, there is also no need for a refund policy. 
  • In case of refunds though, due to damaged product’s return, TheMasalewale will go through a thorough inspection and will let you know if it is accepted for refund.
  • If yes, then we will refund you the amount of your purchase excluding the shipping charges.

Please note that these policies are subject to change and will change from time to time. Visit the policies in regular time intervals to never miss an update.

Contact Information:

In case of any concern or query, feel free to get in touch with us.

Address: 68-70, New indira gandhi market, malwa mill, Near ML tower, Indore, India

Contact Number: +91 7770809713, 7987869787

Email Address: