Terms & Condition

Please read the Terms & Conditions carefully as a visitor to the website or as a customer. You accept the terms in this Terms & Conditions agreement by using the services offered by the Site.

  • Personal Information

TheMasalewale may gather the following personally identifying data about you during the Site registration process: first and last names, a backup email address, a mobile number, and other contact information Postal code, demographic data (such as your age, gender, occupation, education, and residence), information about the web pages you view or access, links you click, how often you access a page, and other browsing data.

  • Eligibility

Only some regions of India would have access to the Site's services. Users of the Site who are "incompetent to contract" as defined by the Indian Contract Act, 1872, such as un-discharged insolvents, etc., are not permitted. You may use the Site only under the supervision of a parent or legal guardian who accepts the obligations set forth in these Terms of Use if you are a minor, that is, under the age of 18 but at least 13 years old. If they are registered users and you are under the age of 18, your parents or legal guardians may transact on your behalf.

  • License & Site access

You are only permitted to access and use this site for personal purposes; you are not permitted to download (other than page caching) or change it in any way, unless you have the express written authorization of TheMasalewale. This licence forbids the following actions: selling or otherwise transferring this site or its contents; collecting and using any product listings, descriptions, or prices; altering this site or its contents; downloading or copying account information for the benefit of another; and using data mining, robots, or other tools for similar information gathering and extraction. Without the express written authorization of TheMasalewale, this website or any part of it may not be replicated, duplicated, copied, sold, resold, visited, or otherwise used for any commercial purpose. Without prior written consent, you are not permitted to use framing techniques or to use images, text, page layouts, or forms to enclose any trademark, logo, or other proprietary material of the Site or of TheMasalewale and its affiliates. Without TheMasalewale's prior written approval, you are not allowed to use any meta tags or any other types of "hidden text" that utilise the name or trademarks of the Site or TheMasalewale. The TheMasalewale licence or permit is terminated by any unauthorised use.

  • Account & Registration Obligations

To place an order on the website, all customers must first log in and register. In order to receive notifications pertaining to website purchases, you must keep your account and registration information up to date and accurate. The customer consents to receive promotional communications and newsletters after registering by accepting the terms and conditions. Customers have two options for withdrawing consent: they can do so through "My Account" or by getting in touch with customer support.

  • Pricing

Unless otherwise stated, all of the products mentioned on the website will be sold at MRP. Prices will be charged on the date of delivery at the rates stated at the time of purchase. Although the costs of the majority of things don't alter every day, they are subject to sudden adjustment. When the order is delivered, no additional fees will be taken or refunded, as applicable, if the prices are higher or lower on the date of delivery.

  • Cancellation by Site / Customer

Calling our customer care will allow you, the consumer, to cancel your order at any moment prior to dispatch. In this scenario, we'll return any money you've already paid for the order. We have the right to cancel any orders if we suspect a customer of engaging in fraudulent activity or a transaction that violates the website's terms and conditions. All fraudulent transactions and consumers will be kept on a negative list, and we will either refuse them access or refund any orders they have placed.

  • Restrictions to usage of website
  1. Disseminating any unlawful, harassing, libellous, abusive, threatening, harmful, vulgar, obscene, or otherwise objectionable material.
  2. Transmitting material that encourages conduct that constitutes a criminal offence or results in civil liability or otherwise breaches any relevant laws, regulations or code of practice.
  3. Gaining unauthorized access to other computer systems.
  4. Interfering with any other person’s use or enjoyment of the Site.
  5. Breaching any applicable laws;
  6. Interfering or disrupting networks or web sites connected to the Site.
  7. Making, transmitting or storing electronic copies of materials protected by copyright without the permission of the owner.


  • Colours

We have done all in our power to accurately reflect the colours of our products as they appear on the website. We cannot, however, guarantee that your monitor will accurately show any colour because the actual hues you see will vary depending on your monitor.

  • Modification of Terms & Conditions of Service

The Terms & Conditions of Use of the Website are subject to change at any moment by TheMasalewale without prior notice to you. The most recent version of these terms and conditions is always available on the site. The Terms & Conditions of the Site should be reviewed frequently by you. You should stop using the Service if the updated Terms & Conditions are unacceptable to you. You will be deemed to have accepted and agreed to abide by the updated Terms & Conditions of Use of this Site if you still continue to use the Service.

  • Governing Law and Jurisdiction

The applicable laws of India shall be used to interpret this User Agreement. All legal actions arising from this agreement shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of IndoreAny disagreement between the parties hereto regarding the interpretation or otherwise of any provision of this User Agreement shall be resolved by an impartial arbitrator chosen by TheMasalewale, whose judgement shall be final and binding on the parties hereto. The Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996, as amended from time to time, shall apply to the aforementioned arbitration. The arbitration will take place in Indore. Only the High Court of Judicature in Indore shall have jurisdiction, and Indian law shall govern.

  • Reviews, Feedback, Submissions

All reviews, comments, feedback, postcards, suggestions, ideas, and other submissions disclosed, submitted or offered to the Site on or by this Site or otherwise disclosed, submitted or offered in connection with your use of this Site (collectively, the “Comments”) shall be and remain the property of TheMasalewale. Such disclosure, submission or offer of any Comments shall constitute an assignment to TheMasalewale of all worldwide rights, titles and interests in all copyrights and other intellectual properties in the Comments. Thus, TheMasalewale owns exclusively all such rights, titles and interests and shall not be limited in any way in its use, commercial or otherwise, of any Comments. TheMasalewale will be entitled to use, reproduce, disclose, modify, adapt, create derivative works from, publish, display and distribute any Comments you submit for any purpose whatsoever, without restriction and without compensating you in any way. TheMasalewale is and shall be under no obligation (1) to maintain any Comments in confidence; (2) to pay you any compensation for any Comments; or (3) to respond to any Comments. You agree that any Comments submitted by you to the Site will not violate this policy or any right of any third party, including copyright, trademark, privacy or other personal or proprietary right(s), and will not cause injury to any person or entity. You further agree that no Comments submitted by you to the Website will be or contain libelous or otherwise unlawful, threatening, abusive or obscene material, or contain software viruses, political campaigning, commercial solicitation, chain letters, mass mailings or any form of “spam”. Please note all reviews submitted by customers are subject to checks and moderation by our content Team. TheMasalewale reserves the rights to moderate as well as publish/not publish the reviews. TheMasalewale reserves the rights to solicit or withhold reviews and ratings with no liability. TheMasalewale reserve the right to accept, reject, moderate, monitor & edit or remove any comment. You grant TheMasalewale the right to use the name that you submit in connection with any Comments. You agree not to use a false email address, impersonate any person or entity, or otherwise mislead as to the origin of any Comments you submit. You are and shall remain solely responsible for the content of any Comments you make, and you agree to indemnify TheMasalewale and its affiliates for all claims resulting from any Comments you submit. TheMasalewale and its affiliates take no responsibility and assume no liability for any Comments submitted by you or any third party.

  • Copyright & Trademark

Any intellectual property rights in any text, programmes, goods, methods, technologies, content, and other items that appear on this Site are solely reserved by TheMasalewale, its suppliers, and its licensors. Anyone who accesses this website does not acquire any licence under any intellectual property rights owned by TheMasalewale or any other party, and nothing on this website shall be construed to grant anyone such a licence. TheMasalewale is the exclusive owner of all intellectual property rights, including copyright, in this website. Without the express consent of TheMasalewale, you are not permitted to use this website or any of its materials for any purpose other than your own personal, noncommercial use. Nothing on this website may be changed, shared, or reposted for any reason. TheMasalewale, its affiliates, partners, or suppliers own all rights to the names, logos, and all associated product and service names, design marks, and slogans. All other trademarks belong to their respective businesses. No licence under any trademark or service mark is provided in connection with the materials on this website. Anyone who accesses this website is not authorised to use any name, logo, or mark in any way. Hypertext links to third-party sites or references to any names, marks, products, or services on this site are only for your convenience and in no way represent or imply TheMasalewale's sponsorship, endorsement, or recommendation of the third party, information, product, or service. TheMasalewale makes no claims as to the authenticity or substance of any information found on any third-party websites, and it disclaims all liability in that regard. Any links you choose to create to such third-party websites are solely at your own risk. The "Contents" on this website, which include all images, text, drawings, designs, icons, photographs, programmes, music clips or downloads, video clips, and other materials, are only meant for private, non-commercial use. The Contents and any downloadable items available on the Website may be downloaded or copied solely for your own personal use. No such download shall convey to you any right, title or interest in any such contents or software. Except as stated above, you are not permitted to duplicate any of the Contents, the Website, or any associated software in any way, nor to publish, transmit, distribute, display, alter, create derivative works from, sell, participate in any sale of, or otherwise exploit, in whole or in part. TheMasalewale, its licensees, and suppliers are the exclusive owners of all software used on this website, and both Indian and international copyright laws protect it. This website's software and contents are only to be used as a resource for online purchasing. The contents of this website may not be used in any other ways, including reproduction, modification, distribution, transmission, republication, exhibition, or performance. Unless otherwise stated, all Contents are protected by Indian and international copyright laws and may include copyrights, trademarks, trade dress, and/or other intellectual property that is owned, controlled, or licenced by TheMasalewale, one of its affiliates, or by third parties that have licenced their materials to TheMasalewale. TheMasalewale is the exclusive owner of the compilation (defined as the gathering, organization, and assembly) of all Contents on this website, which is also covered by Indian and international copyright laws.

  • Objectionable Material

You acknowledge that by using this Site or any services offered on it, you may come across Content that is offensive, indecent, or objectionable in the opinion of some, whether or not such Content is designated as such. You acknowledge that you use the Site and any services at your own risk and that, to the fullest extent permitted by law, TheMasalewale and its affiliates will not be liable to you for any Content that you may find offensive, indecent, or objectionable.

  • Indemnity

You acknowledge that your actions or inactions may cause TheMasalewale or any third party to incur losses or incur liabilities, including but not limited to breach of any warranties, representations, or undertakings. Accordingly, you agree to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless TheMasalewale, its employees, directors, officers, agents, and their successors and assigns from and against any and all claims, liabilities, damages, losses, costs and expenses, including attorney's fees, caused by or arising out of claims based upon such User Agreement or due to your violation of any applicable laws, rules, including but not limited to intellectual property rights, payment of statutory dues and taxes, claim of libel, defamation, violation of privacy or publicity rights, interruption of service by other subscribers, or infringement of intellectual property or other rights. This clause will remain in effect even if this User Agreement expires or is terminated.

  • Termination

Unless and until terminated, this User Agreement is in effect between you and TheMasalewale. You are free to end this User Agreement whenever you want, but only if you stop using this Site going forward. Without incurring any obligation to TheMasalewale, TheMasalewale may terminate this User Agreement at any time and without prior notice, denying you access to the Site in the process. You shall immediately destroy all contents downloaded or otherwise received from this Site, along with any copies of those materials produced, whether in accordance with the User Agreement or not, upon any termination of the User Agreement by either you or TheMasalewale. Any termination of this User Agreement will not affect TheMasalewale's right to any Comments. Your duty to pay for the product you've already ordered from the website will remain in effect even after the User Agreement is terminated, and it won't have any bearing on any potential liabilities.

  • Contact Information:

In case of any concern or query, feel free to get in touch with us.

Address: 68-70, New indira gandhi market, malwa mill, Near ML tower, Indore, India

Contact Number: +91 7770809713, 7987869787

Email Address: Info@themasalewale.com 

Please note that these policies are subject to change and will change from time to time. Visit the policies in regular time intervals to never miss an update.